Friday, March 1, 2013

Five-Minute Friday: Ordinary


Have you ever found that when you set foot into a hospital, you sort of leave the ordinary of life behind.  Life, birth, pain, sickness... these all come to the forefront while in the hospital and everything else fades.

I was there last week because I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks.  My world was tumbling all over the place and yet, when I left those four walls, no one seemed to care.  The man jaywalking in front of my car.  The lady pushing her stroller down the sidewalk. The city worker clearing snow.  Everyone just carried on... ordinary. 

I remember the day we brought our dear daughter home from the hospital.  I stood in the elevator holding this bundle of joy and suddenly realized that while I had spent the past few days labouring, delivering, and getting to know this sweet girl, the world outside was oblivious.  Not a care.

It makes me think... when I'm living my ordinary life, outside of crisis and change, do I notice those around me who are whirling and twirling in that place of unrest?  I want to.  Lord, please open my eyes to see... those who are outside of ordinary.



  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. If was there I would put my arms around you and cry with you.

    It is weird when my own world is shattered and everything around me seems so unchanged and remarkably normal. I remember how isolated it made me feel when the outside world was so obviously disconnected from my inner world. At those time, God has carried me in his arms.

  2. Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss. There really are no words, you have been through so much. Sending love and prayers to you and your family.
